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 TSIIC Leather Cluster, Station Ghanpur, Warangal Urban District, Telangana


The TSIIC Leather Cluster in Station Ghanpur, Warangal Urban District, Telangana, is a significant initiative aimed at boosting the leather industry in the state. This cluster is being developed by the Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (TSIIC) to create a world-class leather manufacturing hub.

Key Features:

  • Strategic Location: The cluster is strategically located in a region with a rich history of leather craftsmanship and a skilled workforce.
  • State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: The cluster will be equipped with modern infrastructure, including common facilities like effluent treatment plants, testing laboratories, and training centers.
  • Integrated Value Chain: The cluster aims to create an integrated value chain, from raw hide processing to finished leather products.
  • Focus on Sustainability: The cluster will prioritize sustainable practices, including eco-friendly production processes and waste management.
  • Government Support: The Telangana government is actively supporting the development of the cluster through various incentives and policies.


The TSIIC Leather Cluster is expected to:

  • Create Jobs: The cluster will generate employment opportunities, particularly in rural areas.
  • Boost Economic Growth: The cluster will contribute to the economic growth of the region and the state.
  • Enhance Export Potential: The cluster will help increase exports of high-quality leather products.
  • Promote Skill Development: The cluster will provide training and skill development opportunities for the workforce.

By fostering a conducive environment for leather manufacturing, the TSIIC Leather Cluster is poised to transform the leather industry in Telangana and position the state as a global leader in leather production.

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